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import hvplot.pandas  # noqa

step can be used pretty much anytime line might be used and has many of the same options available.

from bokeh.sampledata.degrees import data as deg
Year Agriculture Architecture Art and Performance Biology Business Communications and Journalism Computer Science Education Engineering English Foreign Languages Health Professions Math and Statistics Physical Sciences Psychology Public Administration Social Sciences and History
20 1990 32.703444 40.824047 62.6 50.818094 47.200851 60.8 29.4 78.866859 14.1 66.921902 71.2 83.9 47.3 31.6 72.6 77.6 45.1
16 1986 31.198719 37.240223 62.1 48.300678 46.532915 60.0 34.7 76.143015 13.9 65.982561 71.2 85.7 46.7 28.4 69.0 75.7 44.0
38 2008 47.570834 42.711730 60.7 59.305765 48.888027 62.4 17.8 79.196327 16.5 67.594028 70.2 85.2 43.3 40.7 77.2 81.7 49.4
14 1984 31.092947 35.453083 62.1 47.669083 45.124030 59.1 36.8 75.869116 13.5 65.749862 72.1 85.1 46.2 28.0 68.2 75.9 44.1
40 2010 48.730042 42.066721 61.3 59.010255 48.757988 62.5 17.6 79.618625 17.2 67.928106 69.0 85.0 43.1 40.2 77.0 81.7 49.3
deg.hvplot.step(x='Year', y=['Art and Performance', 'Business', 'Biology', 'Education', 'Computer Science'], 
                value_label='% of Degrees Earned by Women', legend='top', height=500, width=620)
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