# Topics Examples of what can be done with hvPlot. To learn how to use hvPlot, see the [User Guide](user_guide/index.md). NOTE: This is a list of links to examples on external sites. Most examples are on . - [Portfolio Optimizer](https://examples.holoviz.org/portfolio_optimizer/portfolio.html) : Portfolio Optimizer Application. :::{figure} _static/images/portfolio.png :alt: Portfolio Optimizer Application :scale: 30 % :target: https://examples.holoviz.org/portfolio_optimizer/portfolio.html ::: - [Heat and Trees](https://examples.holoviz.org/heat_and_trees/Heat_and_Trees.html) : Analysis of how trees affect heat distribution in urban areas. Based on [a blog post](http://urbanspatialanalysis.com/urban-heat-islands-street-trees-in-philadelphia/) by Ken Steif. :::{figure} _static/images/heat_and_trees.png :alt: Heat and Trees :scale: 30 % :target: https://examples.holoviz.org/heat_and_trees/Heat_and_Trees.html ::: ```{toctree} :hidden: true :maxdepth: 2 :titlesonly: true Portfolio Optimizer Heat and Trees ```